Sure, a radar jammer can help you avoid a speed ticket. But, the question remains, is the use of radar jammers allowed in the United States? The outright answer is an emphatic NO!
Perhaps, it is important to let you in on jammers for a sec.
These devices typically work by interfering with the signal coming from highway patrol police radar/laser guns. That way, the cops can’t “see” your auto which by extension means that it is impossible to monitor your speeds. And, as stated, the jammers can save you from getting a ticket but you ought to know the consequences of getting nabbed with one.
The Laws Governing Radar Jammers
The Communication Act of 1934 prohibits the use of radar jammers. Plus, the use of these devices violates the rules set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). More specifically, the 1934 Act outlaws the interference with radio communications of a station authorized/operated by the United States government.
State Radar Jammers Laws
The 1934 Act bans the use of radar jammers on federal roads. However, some states have laws which could make you culpable even if you’re not using the jammer on a national highway. Even though you shouldn’t have a radar jammer in the first place, the laws in Virginia, Utah, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Nebraska, Illinois, Minnesota, Colorado, and California ban the use of jammers on any road.
Are Radar Detectors Legal?
The illegality surrounding radar jammers leads to one to question the legality of radar detectors. Well, the Communications Act of 1934 allows the use of radar detectors in private vehicles. The only problem is that the detectors are not 100% fool proof and may fail to work as expected, thereby leaving you venerable to the highway patrol laser guns. It is this margin of error with radar detectors that persuades motorists to install radar jammers.
Even then, it is worth noting that you can’t drive into a military base with a radar detector installed in your automobile let alone have it mounted on your vehicle’s sun visor or windshield. Thus, to avoid getting into problems with the law, be sure to uninstall the gadget from your auto whenever you’re going into a military base and install it when you’re at a safe distance from the base.
What are the Legal Consequences of Using Radar Jammers?
So, if radar jammers are illegal, what happens if you get caught? Well, the penalty is way more than the $100 ticket or higher insurance premium rates. As stated, using a laser jammer is against the federal laws and can attract a $50,000 fine and/or a maximum imprisonment of five years.
The FCC is very categorical with radar laser jammers. In fact, it banned their use or sale since 1996. The body also prohibits the advertising of these devices.
Why are the Laws so Strict on Laser Jammers?
You see, it is the work of the police and the government to bring some sanity on the roads. It is for this reason that the cops have speed traps to ensure a smooth flow of traffic. Also, the cops want to prevent over speeding and by extension reduce the number of road accident related deaths.
That said, the only way to nab wayward motorists who won’t abide by the set speed limits is to use a laser gun. It could, therefore, be frustrating to the highway patrol efforts if you can install a device in your vehicle that would make you virtually undetectable. In simpler terms, installing radar jammers is akin to disrespecting the police efforts to keep the roads safe for fellow drivers, cyclist, pedestrians or any other user.
So, How Do You Avoid Getting a Ticket?
If you don’t want to get a ticket DON’T SPEED – simple and straightforward! If you can’t keep your feet off the accelerator, a radar jammer isn’t the solution.
In Conclusion
Just because you can purchase a laser jammer doesn’t mean that the law allows you to use it. Thus, before you buy one, you need to check what that the laws in your country say. The last thing that you want is to pay hefty fines or end up in jail for something that you could have easily avoided. After all, you’re better off safe than sorry!