Reviews Archives – Best Radar Detector 2019

Uniden’s R series of radar detectors arrived with a triumph of high praise, but the Uniden R7 Radar Detector quickly eclipsed all other models. No matter how good a range may prove, eventually, something comes along to wipe away the competition. Uniden doesn’t mess around…

If you find yourself working with a tight budget, then you may want to know about the best radar detector under $100. If you drive for a living, then the device may prove essential to help you perform your job safely. With different restrictions in…

We have so many things to keep track of in our busy lives—wouldn’t it be nice if we could automatically track the people (and things) that are important to us? Personal GPS trackers are small enough to be unobtrusive and accurate enough to pinpoint a…

The CR90 has been around for a while. Over the years, it continues to cement its position as a reliable detector that offers everything you need to steer clear of police radar detectors and laser guns. The first GPS-enabled radar detector to ever come from…

If the Radenso XP is beyond your budget, the Escort Passport S55 is an affordable option with reasonable features and reliable performance. Sure, you may have to make some compromises for the lower tariff, but this model offers everything you’d expect for a radar detector…

Just how fast do you think you were going? If you do not know the answer to that question, chances are the police officer writing the ticket will. There is one sure way to get out of that ticket, however, and that is to never…