If you drive on a regular basis or expect to drive long distances whether you are planning a family trip, then making use of cordless radar detectors can be hugely beneficial. In fact, getting a speeding ticket can have serious consequences as it can also…
Another excellent alternative that you may want to consider purchasing is the Beltronics radar detector as it will warn you if there is a potential threat nearby. Having to get pulled over for driving over the speed limit can result in serious consequences and can…
The decision to purchase Escort radar detectors for either your car or motorcycle is an excellent one as they are extremely beneficial. If you are the type of individual who has a tendency to speed or you like to feel the power of your vehicle,…
If you have a tendency to speed while driving your car or motorcycle, then purchasing car radar detectors is an excellent choice. This will help you to know if there are any cops in the vicinity as they use radar guns in order to determine…
Question: Will my radar detector work overseas? Answer: A lot of people ask us whether or not their radar detectors will work overseas (or not in the USA in general). The answer to this question is quite complex, but as a rule of thumb, it…
Quick Navigation Valentine One Radar DetectorEscort Passport 8500 X50 radar and laser detectorBEL 980 radar detector Getting a Valentine One radar detector is an excellent choice and has been a popular device for many years and for good reason too. The arrows are an innovative…